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Thread for the brave: Share your vintage razor collection objectives

@efsk Look at that, congrats for the new job. You definitely should be proud of your collection.
Huge, developed over 10 years or so (Patience and perseverance) and has a slant and a European theme (focus). You also have a beautiful display.

But your biggest accomplishment is why I am here...You built the forum and the German one with a lot of hours and dedication and I appreciate that a lot. Under your name it says "absurd hero" And I say that's an accurate description. goodjob!

Since we're having great discussions here (unlike other forums) we need to bring back to the fold @benedetto and @Jake and maybe some other guys that used to be active in this forum.
I'll take a dip at this...

Why do you collect? (What is the purpose of the collection)
Its a hobby. We have hobbies to spend our money and distract us from our daily lives. It helps us lead a less stressful life.

What categories you'd like to collect? (Single, double, triple edge, sets, soaps etc...)
Gap Adjustables (although a few others have crept into the collection)

Do you have levels of achievements you want to attain?
I would like to have an example of every gap adjustable razor made - but I know that is highly unlikely to happen.
As others have indicated - the Hunt is the fun and probably the most important part, I'll add that the kill is the "achievement or satisfying" part.

What would make a collection satisfying?
See above but that said I'm already very satisfied with what I have.
I love finding an rare ugly duckling and turning it into a rare "not so ugly" duckling (because most of them will never be swans) and then using it for its intended purpose.

What is your end game? (are you selling it later one? or stop at a certain number)
No end game in mind. I just don't want to own any safe queens and use all of my razors.
I started DE shaving to save money - YEAH RIGHT!!!

Do you set budget limitations?
Most of my razors have been on auctions, so I'm always setting limits.
I look at it and figure out what would I be prepared to spend on that. Most times I'm way out, sometimes I'm way to cheap and other times I'm way over.
I've either got the razor "cheap" because I was prepared to spend more on it and on the occasions that I lose the auction, I have no regrets because I know that it was over what I was prepared to spend.

If its a BST - I may make an offer and that may be it, but most times the haggling is the fun part.